
Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.

Collaboration works better than competition

“There will be obstacles. There will be doubters. There will be mistakes. But with hard work, there are no limits.” —Michael Phelps

Collaboration works better than competition

“There will be obstacles. There will be doubters. There will be mistakes. But with hard work, there are no limits.” —Michael Phelps

Collaboration works better than competition

“There will be obstacles. There will be doubters. There will be mistakes. But with hard work, there are no limits.” —Michael Phelps

Collaboration works better than competition

“There will be obstacles. There will be doubters. There will be mistakes. But with hard work, there are no limits.” —Michael Phelps

Collaboration works better than competition

“There will be obstacles. There will be doubters. There will be mistakes. But with hard work, there are no limits.” —Michael Phelps

Monday, 6 March 2017


Session: 2017-18
Sem : 4th
Department :CSE
Subject : DBS(MINOR)
Code : PCCS4304
Course Name : B.TECH
Full Mark: 50

A) MCQ(multiple choice question) :
1. Files are located by operating system with help of
    a)addressing system    b)path file system c)directory file system d)header file system
2. Which of the following is the oldest database model?
  a) Relational  b) Hierarchical  c) Physical  d) Network
3.E-R modeling technique is
    a)Tree structure b)Top- down method c)Bottom-up method d)Right -left approach
4. which of the following is record based logical model(s)?
a)Network Model  b)Object-oriented model c) Relational Model Entity d)Relationship Model
5. Entity is a
a) Object of relation b) Present working model c) Thing in real world d) Model of relation
6.  The term attribute refers to a ___________ of a table.
a) Record b) Column c) Tuple d) Key
7. .Course(course_id,sec_id,semester)
Here the course_id,sec_id and semester are __________ and course is a _________ .
a) Relations, Attribute b) Attributes, Relation c) Tuple, Relation d) Tuple, Attributes
8.  The tuples of the relations can be of ________ order.
a) Any b) Same c) Sorted d) Constant
9. RAID level ____ spreads parity and data among all N+1 disks rather than storing data in N disks and parity in 1.
a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 6

10. Collection of information stored in database at particular instance of time is called as __________.

a) Data Structure b) Database Schema c)Instance of Database      d) Objects in Database
11. Database supports _______ types of database schema's.
a)2 b)3 c)1 d)4
12. The property (or set of properties) that uniquely defines each row in a table is called the:
a) Identifier b) Index c) Primary key d) Symmetric key
13. The database design that consists of multiple tables that are linked together through matching data stored in each table is called
  a) Hierarchical databas
b) Network database
c) Object oriented database
d) Relational database
14. The association role defines:
a) How tables are related in the database
b) The relationship between the class diagram and the tables in the database
c) The tables that each attribute is contained
d) Which attribute is the table’s primary key
15.  A unit of storage that can store one or more records in a hash file organization is denoted as
` a) Buckets b) Disk pages c) Blocks d) Nodes
16. The file organization which allows us to read records that would satisfy the join condition by using one block read is
a) Heap file organization
b) Sequential file organization
c) Clustering file organization
d) Hash file organization
17. Foreign key is the one in which the ________ of one relation is referenced in another relation.
a) Foreign key b) Primary key c) References d) Check constraint
18. ____________ is an interface between low level database and application program.
a) Database Associator b) Database Server c) Database Manager d) None of these
19. A main purpose of DBMS is to provide ____________ view of data to user.
a) Abstract b)Partial c) Complete d) None of these

20. Consider attributes ID , CITY and NAME . Which one of this can be considered as a super key ?
a) NAME b) ID c) CITY d) CITY , ID
21. The subset of super key is a candidate key under what condition ?
a) No proper subset is a super key
b) All subsets are super keys
c) Subset is a super key
d) Each subset is a super key
22.  A _____ is a property of the entire relation, rather than of the individual tuples in which each tuple is unique.
a) Rows b) Key c) Attribute d) Fields
23. Database __________ , which is the logical design of the database, and the database _______,which is a snapshot of the data in the database at a given instant in time.
a) Instance, Schema
b) Relation, Schema
c) Relation, Domain
d) Schema, Instance
24.  A domain is atomic if elements of the domain are considered to be ____________ units.
a) Different b) Indivisbile c) Constant d) Divisible
25. In E-R diagram generalization is represented by
a)Rectangle b)Elipse c)Triangle d) Dashed ellipse

B) Short questions :
1. What is  the difference between DATABASE  and DBMS?
2. What is a Database system?
3. What are the advantages of DBMS?
4. What are the disadvantage in File Processing System?
5. Describe the three levels of data abstraction?
6. What is Data Independence?
7. What is a view? How it is related to data independence?
8. What is Data Model?
9. What is E-R model?
10. What is Object Oriented model?
11. What the difference between  entity,entity set and entity type?
12. What is an attribute?
13. What is Relationship?
14. What is degree of Relationship type?
15. What are diff. types of attributes?
16. What is cold backup and hot backup (in case of Oracle)?
17. Define and discuss data constraints.
18.What is the difference between mirroring and stripping ?
19.What is the difference between candidate key and composite key?
20.What are the major functions of the database administrator?

1.What is File processing system and disadvantage of file processing system ?
2.What is Data Abstraction and how it is implemented in three levels of database?
3.Explain  with diagram of a Three tier Architecture in database ?
4. What are the Advantages of DBMS and disadvantage of DBMS ?
5.What are different levels of Raid,explain with diagram ?
6.What are different type of file organization ,explain with Examples?
7.What is mapping?Give a brief idea about different type of relationship exist in DBMS?
8.Construct an ER diagram on Online Railway Reservation System .
9. Construct an ER diagram on Banking Transaction system .
10. Construct an ER diagram on BPUT database.
11.Write short notes
a)Hierarchical and Network model
12. Write short notes
a)Data independence


1. What is database?
A database is a logically coherent collection of data with some inherent meaning, representing some aspect of real world and which is designed, built and populated with data for a specific purpose. What is DBMS?
It is a collection of programs that enables user to create and maintain a database. In other words it is general-purpose software that provides the users with the processes of defining, constructing and manipulating the database for various applications.
2. What is a Database system?
The database and DBMS software together is called as Database system.
3.  What are the advantages of DBMS?
Redundancy is controlled.
Unauthorised access is restricted.
Providing multiple user interfaces.
Enforcing integrity constraints.
Providing backup and recovery.
4.  What are the disadvantage in File Processing System?
Data redundancy and inconsistency.
Difficult in accessing data.
Data isolation.
Data integrity.
Concurrent access is not possible.
Security Problems.
5.  Describe the three levels of data abstraction?
The are three levels of abstraction:
Physical level: The lowest level of abstraction describes how data are stored.
Logical level: The next higher level of abstraction, describes what data are stored in database and what relationship among those data.
View level: The highest level of abstraction describes only part of entire database.

What is a view? How it is related to data independence?
A view may be thought of as a virtual table, that is, a table that does not really exist in its own right but is instead derived from one or more underlying base table. In other words, there is no stored file that direct represents the view instead a definition of view is stored in data dictionary.

Growth and restructuring of base tables is not reflected in views. Thus the view can insulate users from the effects of restructuring and growth in the database. Hence accounts for logical data independence
What is Data Model?
A collection of conceptual tools for describing data, data relationships data semantics and constraints.
What is E-R model?
This data model is based on real world that consists of basic objects called entities and of relationship among these objects. Entities are described in a database by a set of attributes.
What is Object Oriented model?
This model is based on collection of objects. An object contains values stored in instance variables with in the object. An object also contains bodies of code that operate on the object. These bodies of code are called methods. Objects that contain same types of values and the same methods are grouped together into classes.
What is an Entity?
It is a 'thing' in the real world with an independent existence.
What is an Entity type?
It is a collection (set) of entities that have same attributes.
What is an Entity set?
It is a collection of all entities of particular entity type in the database.
What is cold backup and hot backup (in case of Oracle)? 
1. Cold Backup: It is copying the three sets of files (database files, redo logs, and control file) when the instance is shut down. This is a straight file copy, usually from the disk directly to tape. You must shut down the instance to guarantee a consistent copy. If a cold backup is performed, the only option available in the event of data file loss is restoring all the files from the latest backup. All work performed on the database since the last backup is lost. 2. Hot Backup: Some sites (such as worldwide airline reservations systems) cannot shut down the database while making a backup copy of the files. The cold backup is not an available option
Define and discuss data constraints.
 Data constraints on a column are the limits put on the values the data can have. There are four types of data constraints: (1) domain constraints, which define a limited set of values for the column, (2) range constraints, which specify that the values must fall within a certain range, (3) intrarelation constraints, which define what values the column can have based on values of other columns in the same table, and (4) interrelation constraints, which define values the column can have based on values of columns in other tables
.What are the major functions of the database administrator? 
Managing database structure, controlling concurrent processing, managing processing rights and responsibilities, developing database security, providing for database recovery, managing the DBMS and maintaining the data repository.


What are diff. types of attributes?
1. Composite Vs simple attributes.
2. Single valued Vs multi-valued attributes.
3. Stored Vs derived attribute.
4. Null valued attributes.
5. Complex attributes.

What is a degree of a relationship?
A relationship degree indicates the number of entities or participants associated with a relationship



Sunday, 5 March 2017


1. Discuss the issues and challenges faced by the organisation in the present scenario. State the
importance of study of OB?
2. Define personality? Explain psychoanalytic theory of personality development?
3. Define personality? Explain Erikson's theory of personality development?
4. Do you think that money can act as a motivator? Why motivation is a critical issue of
interest to managers in organisation? How is the ERG theory of Aldefer is different from
Need Hirarachy Theory?
5. Explain determinants of personality?
6. Define motivation? Explain Two-Factor theory of motivation?
7. Define OB? Discuss its different models and approaches?
8. Discuss the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and identify the personality type that would be
best for the students in your class?
9. Why is it important for managers to have a working knowledge of perception and
10. Identify and describe the Big-Five personality dimensions. Specify which one is correlated
most strongly with job performance?
11. Define Perception? Explain perpetual process?
12. Define attitude? Discuss its components and functions?
1. Define OB?
2. Define the term Attitude?
3. What do you mean by Emotional Intelligence?
4. What do you mean by Figure Ground principles?
5. What do you mean by an organisation?
6. What are the different contributing disciplines of OB?
7. List of certain factors which influence personality?
8. What is Halo-Effect?
9. What is a formal organisation?
10. What is an infoormal organisation?
11. What do you mean by Type-A personality?
12. What do you mean by Type-B personality?
13. What do you mean by Ego states?
14. What is Id?
15. Outline the Hygine factors and Motivators according to Herzberg?
16. What is Locus of Control?
17. Define Motivation?
18. What is Ambivalence?
19. What is Steriotyping?
20. What is Pull mechanism in motivation?
21. What is Paranoid-Perception?
22. What is Collegial model in OB?
23. Define Social Intelligence?
24. What do you mean by Cognitive Satisfaction?
25. According to Vroom, Motivation = .........................X.........................X..........................

1. The Motivation-Hygiene theory developed by:
a. Aldefer c. Fredrick Herzberg
b. Dublin d. William Ouchi
2. The concept of Emotional Intelligence developed by:
a. Max Weber c. Melvin Kohn
b. Kanter d. Daniel Goleman
3. Judging people on the basis of a single trait and drawing a general impression about him or her is known
a. Recency Effect c. Stereotyping
b. Projection d. Halo Effect
4. The ................ are perspectives of motivation that identify specific needs that energize behaviour.
a. Content Theory c. Equity Theory
b. Process Theory d. Expectancy Theory
5. Which motivation theory focuses on establishing future performance target?
a. Goal Theory c. Equity Thoery
b. Reinforcement Theory d.None of the Above
6. Which theory is considered to deal with consequences?
a. Reinforcement Theory c. Equity Theory
b. Two Factor Theory d. Need – Hirarchy Theory
7. The four main dimensions which influence behaviour in work organisation are:
a. Individual,Organisation,Group,Gender
b. Individual, Group, Organisation, Environment
c. Group, Environment, Organisation, Gender
d. Environment, Group, Individual, Gender
8. The psychological or internal factors affecting perpetual selection are ............, .............. and ..............
a. Motive, Personality, Mental Process
b. Personality, Ego, Mental Process
c. Learnning, Personality, Ego
d. Personality, Learning, Motive
e. None of Above
9. The tendency to complete an incomplete figure to (mentally) fill in the gaps and to perceive them as whole
is called........................
a. Figure c. Grouping e. None of Above
b. Closure d. All of Above
10.The process by which the perception of a person is formulated on the basis of a single favorable trait or
impression, where other relevant characteristics of that person are dismissed is called:
a. Halo Effect c. Angel Effect
b. Stereotyping d. Clouded Judgment
11. For something to be a part of personality it should:
a. Always be evident c. Be relatively stable over time
b. Never Change d. Apply to all people
12. Need and expectations at work are sometimes divided into two types:
a. Effort – Reward c. Social – Spiritual
b. External – Internal d. Extrinsic – Intrinsic
13. Which of the following is a positive reaction to the blockage of a desired goal?
a. Fixation c. Withdrawl
b. Regression d. Problem – Solving
14. Negative responses to the blockage of a desired goal include:
a. Withdrawl c. Fixation
b. Aggression d. All of the above
15. Managers can attempt to reduce levels of frustration in organisation members by:
a. Effective recruitment c. All of the above
c. Participative management d. None of the above
16. Aldefer & Mc Celland are two examples of ................... theories of motivation?
a. Equity c. Process
c. Content d. Expectancy
17. According to Herzberg, Which of the following may be regarded as Hygiene factors?
a. Salary c. Working Conditions
b. Company Policy d. All of the above
18. Performance-Satisfaction theory of motivation developed by..................... .
a. Victor Vroom c. John. T. Dunlop
b. Porter & Lawler d. Frederick Herzberg
19. In ERG theory 'R' stands for
a. Regression c. Revolution
b. Relatedness d. None of above
20. Which is not the Maslow's need?
a. Esteem c. Control
b. Social d. Self-Actualisation
21. A motive is defined as
a. a price of product c. An inner state that energizes the behaviour for a goal
b. A cost d. An inner state that provides difficult task to the player
22. Expectancy Theory was developed by:
a. Robbins c. Maslow
b. Vroom d. Aldefer
23. Which is a component of Attitude:
a. Cognitive c.Conative
b. Affective d. All of above
24. Machiavellianism is related to
a. Power c. Position
c. Manipulation of Power d. None of above
25. Figure – Ground Concept is related to
a. Personality c. Motivation
d. Learning d. Perception

by prof Bhagyasree Padhi,

Posted by Harekrishna & Sudarsan Puhan

click here to download pdf


Friday, 3 March 2017

EEC Questions for 4th sem

                               prepared by-S.K DAS SIR                                                                                                                                



                         MCQ ANSWER ARE GIVEN THERE ITSELF

                    EEC SHORT QUESTION ANSWERS

1. What is economics?
-> Economics is a social science, which deals with how people distribute their limited resources to satisfy their unlimited needs, wants and demands.
2. What is fundamental problem of economics?
-> The fundamental problems are:-
    i) Allocation of resources
   ii) Full utilization of resources
  iii) Growth of resources
3. What is micro economics?
-> Micro economics is the study of various parts of economy in isolation. It’s also called as pricing theory.
4. What is macro economics?
-> Macro economics is the study of income and consumption as a whole.
   Problems like inflation and unemployment known as part of macro economics.

5. Distinguish between micro economics and macro economics?
->    Micro economics     
- Micro economics is the study of various parts of economy in isolation.
 - It’s also called as pricing theory.
      Macro economics             
-       Macro economics is the study of income and consumption as a whole.
-          Problems like inflation and unemployment known as part of macro economics.
 6. State the law of demand?
-> Alfred Marshall defines “the amount demanded increases with a fall in price and decrease with a rise in price.”            
- Samuelson defines “people will buy more at lower price and buy less at higher price.”
- Ferguson defines “quantity demand varies inversely with price.”     Q α (1/P)           

7. State two important determinants of demand?
-> i) Nature of commodity
    ii) Habit of individuals
8. State two exceptions to the law of demand?
-> i) Ignorance
   ii) Change in fashion
9. What is meant by elasticity of demand?
-> Responsive of demand of a commodity due to price income and related price.
10. Define price elasticity of demand?
-> The degree of responsiveness of demand to change in price of the commodity is known as price elasticity of demand.
11. Define income elasticity of demand?
-> It can be defined as the degree of responsiveness of quantity demanded of a commodity due to small change in income of an individual.
12. Define cross elasticity of demand?
-> It can be defined as the degree of responsiveness of quantity demanded of a commodity-X due to change in price of commodity-Y.
13. State the law of supply?
-> The law of supply states that at higher prices large quantity of commodities supplied to the product market and at lower prices less quantity of commodities is supplied to the product market.
14. State two exceptions to the law of supply?
-> i) Future expectations
   ii) Agricultural goods
15. What is elasticity of supply?
-> Responsiveness of quantity supplied due to change in price is known as elasticity of supply.
16. What is perfect competition?
-> Perfect competition is a form of market in which there is a large number of buyers and sellers.

17. What is equilibrium price?
-> Equilibrium price is the price at which the forces such as demand and supply, determines the price of any commodity in the market.
18. What are factors of production?
-> Land, Labor, Capital, Enterprise
19. What is land?
-> In economics all natural resources are called as land.
20. What is labor?
-> All human effort physical and mentally efforts that people can put into the production process is called labor.
21. What is capital?
-> Manufactured resources which can be used to produce product and services is called as capital.
22. What is entrepreneurship?
-> The ability to organize land labor and capital into production process and also innovative is called entrepreneurship.             
23. What is isoquant?
-> An isoquant is a firm's counterpart of the consumer's indifference curve. An isoquant is a curve that shows all the combinations of inputs that yield the same level of output. 'Iso' means equal and 'quant' means quantity.
24. What is isocost?
-> The isocost line is an important component when analyzing producer's behavior. In simple words, an isocost line represents a combination of inputs which all cost the same amount.
25. State the law of increasing returns?
-> In a given state of technology when the units of variable factors are increased with the units of other fixed factors, the marginal productivity increases, it is called law of increasing returns.
26. State the law of decreasing returns?
-> In a production process, as one input variable is increased, there will be a point at which the marginal per unit output will start to decrease, it is called law of decreasing returns.
27. State the law of constant returns?
-> The law of constant returns is said to operate when the return remains the same as the business is expanded or contracted.
28. State the law of variable proportion?
-> The law of variable proportions states that as the quantity of one factor is increased, keeping the other factors fixed, the marginal product of that factor will eventually decline.
29. State the law of return to scale?
-> Returns to scale relates to the behavior of total output as all inputs are varied and is a long run concept is called as law of return to scale.
30. Define average product and marginal product?
-> Average Product is defined as the Average produced by every worker. When we divide the total product by output we get average product.

   The net change in total production by using the additional units of labor is known as Marginal Product of Labor.

(short type prepared by Anil Kumar sahoo ,EEE)






a)Ea= Er/T          b) Er=Ea/T         c) Er=Ea ×100         d) none of these
     2.    What is the maximum order of R.K method 
a)1            b) 2               c) 4            d) none of these
3.    If there are 4 points then maximum degree of the polynomial is
a)3                   b)4              c)2              d)none of these 
     4.    What is the approximate value of π up to 5 significant digit?
 a)3.1415              b)3.1416              c)3.1412              d)none of these
      5.    Newton’s divided difference formula is applicable for
            a)arbitrary spaced point          b)equally spaced point       c)fixed point          d)none of these
6. To find f(1) and f(7) for  the data           X                 2          4              6        Is known as             
                                                                    F(X)             8          20            40
      a)inter polation                   b)intra polation            c)extension          d)none of these
7. To find f (3) & f (8) for the data X          2                 5                 9                 10   is known as;
                                                     F(X)        17               35               59               65
a)intra polation             b)extra polation          c)inclumion           d)none of these
8. Test the nature of the following function f (z)=    z’ (Z bar)    
a)analytic            b)not analitic      c)harmonic          d) none of these
9 .Test the nature of real part of f (z) = 1/z
a)harmonic         b)not harmonic  c)analytic            d)none of these
10. If a function is analytic in a domain D then
a)differentiable outside of domain 
b)continuous outside of domain 
c)differentiable inside of domain 
d)none of these

1.    Round of the following number to 3 significant digits. 
       a) 2.0065 b) 0.0125

2.   Round of the following numbers up to 4 decimal places. 

      a) 1.32655       b)2.96785

3.   If 5/6 in approximated by 0.8333 , then find relative error.

4.   If value of sin x is approximate by 1.0021 at x=π/2 ,then find out the percentage error ?
5.   Write down the formula for Newton’s Divided difference for  x,x1,x2,x3
6.   Write down the formula for Newton’s forward interpolation for three points x0,x1,x2
7.   write down the formula for Lagrange’s interpolation for (n+1) points , x0,x1,………..,xn
8.   Write down the formula for Newton’s Backward interpolation for 4 points  x0,x1,x2,x3.
9.   State Trapezoid’s rule for 10 intervals.
10.          State Simpson’s 1/3 rule for 10 intervals.
11.          State Simpson’s 3/8 rule for 10 intervals.
12.          State Euler’s formula for ordinary differential equation ?
13.          State Euler modified formula for ordinary differential equation ?
14.          State R.K 2nd order method ?
15.          State R.K 3rd order method ?
16.          What do you mean by predictor and corrector method ?
17.          Write down the formula for Adams-Barb forth method ?
18.          Write down the formula for Millen’s method ?
19.          Define interpolation ?
20.          Define extrapolation ?
21.          Define analytic function ?
22.          State Cauchy Riemann equation in Cartesian form ?
23.          State Cauchy Riemann equation in polar form ?
24.          How the error is propagated ?

1.   Find y(0.1) and y(0.2)  using Euler’s method   dy/dx= xy ,y(0)=1
2.   Find y(4.1) using Euler’s modified method for  dy/dx = x2+xy , y(4)=3
3.   Find y(2.1) and y(2.2) using R.K 2nd order method for   dy/dx = x+y , y(2)=3.14
4.   Test analyticity  f(z) = 1/z4
5.   Test harmonicity  v = x/x2+y2 and find the corresponding analytic function .
6.   Find the value of the analytic function for  v = e-xsiny
7.   Find a & b such that v = ax3+by3 is harmonic and hence find the corresponding analytic function.
8.   Derive Newton’s divided difference polynomial for the data (0,0) ,(2,2) ,(5,20),(6,30)
9.   Evaluate         1
                               dx/1+x2  using trapezoidal rule by taking 10 interval
10.          Evaluate   3
                         ln x dx  using Simpson’s 1/3rd rule by taking  n=8
11.          Evaluate   4
                                e(x)2 . dx   using Simson’s 3/8th rule by    taking n = 10
12.          Evaluate   2
                                 x2 dx     using 3- point Gauss Legendre rule.

13.          Derive the Lagrange’s inter polation polynomial for the data
                                  X                 0       1       3       6
                               F(X)               2       3       11     38

14.          Find out the value of f(2) from the data

                                            X       1       3      5          7
                                                       F(X)     0       26     124     342

15.          Find out the value of f(8) from the data

                                   X       1          3            5            7
                                 F(X)    3         29         127        345



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